Looking forward to 2025
Today , Cedar Point announced via Social Media platforms like Twitter and Instagram that Zamperla will not be able to complete modifications to the trains until 2025.

The ride closed shortly after opening for the 2024 season. Testing has been seen during the night and the early hours of the park after closure, but no updates have been made since June before today’s update.

With Cedar Points daily operations ending after Labor Day, this announcement doesn’t come as a shock to most pass holders and roller coaster enthusiasts.

It seems that Cedar Point is at the mercy of the manufacturer, Zamperla to fix the ride correctly so it can maintain reliability and uptime for many years to come.
This closure will impact Zamperla as a Roller Coaster manufacturer since this was this first big project and Top Thrill 2 has been not been operational since the first two weeks of the season. Zamperla has been known in the industry as a flat rides manufacturer and has recently moved into the big rollercoaster game.