Back Open!
After the incident, the Exhibition is back open! We were the first tour on June 7th, 2023 at 10 AM. All of the dinosaurs and tour guides were amazing! You could not even tell that there was a previous incident, and the exhibit tour was great.
Getting to the Exhibit!
The Jurassic World Exhibition moves around to multiple cities, and it’s currently in Atlanta, Georgia. We were traveling with family and saw it was near our current location and made a trip out to the Pullman Yards to check it out!
When booking your tickets, you have to select an arrival time window. This timed entry helps get crowds through the exhibit without overcrowding. Once you arrive, you will have to pay to park at the Pullman Yards using a QR code. Once parked, there is a large photo op at the entry! Definitely try and get a picture here!

If you have a stroller, you are encouraged to leave it outside in the designated stroller area. Some of the areas get narrow, so leaving your stroller behind is recommended. Once in line for the attraction, the attendants will scan your ticket. Once inside, there is a green screen to snag a photo before the exhibit starts, and you have the option to purchase prints at the end of the exhibit.
The Exhibition
The first room is themed to a boat! You have to take a “boat” to get to where the dinosaurs are. They do a great job setting the tone and theme for your arrival to Jurassic World! This pre-show also helps segment the crowds.
One inside, you are greeted with the Jurassic World gates and the Brachiosaurus! There is Jurassic World jeep to your immediate right as well!

Once in the Brachiosaurus area, be sure to check out the elevated platform to your right. This allows for a great picture with the Brachiosaurus in the background. There are binoculars that are interactive as well in this area. Be sure to check them out and follow the arrows to find the dinosaurs!
In the next area before the Hammond creation lab, be sure to stop by and see the Stigimoloch in the truck! This is a great interactive area with the tour guide!
The kids really loved the Hammond creation lab! They had small dinosaur babies, dinosaurs eggs, and dinosaur droppings! Be sure to check out the interactive screens in the back too. A baby stigimoloch will also come out in this area with its handler, so be sure to stick around!
After the hammond lab, you head into the Raptor area, and you will notice that Blue is not in her cage! This is because the raptor show is in the next room, starring Blue!

After the raptor show, there is a fossil dig room which the kids loved! They also bring out another baby dinosaur with its handler, Bumpy from Camp Cretaceous! The kids loved this area and the chance to pet Bumpy and dig for Fossils!
In the next room, you get your first encounter with one of the big dinosaurs, the Indominus Rex! They do dim the lights, so be sure to keep an eye on your kids in case they get scared!
The Gyrosphere room is next where the kids got another encounter with a baby dinosaur! This time, it was a baby raptor. The handlers enhanced the theming by not allowing the kids to pet the baby raptor since they might bite! After engaging with the baby raptor, there is a great photo op and chance to sit in the Gyro sphere itself!

For the finale, guests are alerted to a dinosaur escaping containment! The T-REX got out! This room was awesome and the T-REW was huge! The animatronic was amazing and our kids did get a little scared since it was very life-like!
The Gift Shop

After the exhibit, you get a chance to buy your photo from when you entered and are placed in the Gift shop. There is some excellent merchandise in here, and we ended up grabbing a couple of the toys, a hoodie for me, and a shirt for the wife!
Overall, definitely check this exhibit out if you get the chance! This is a AAA event with life-like dinosaurs! The kids loved it so much and we were so happy to get an opportunity to attend since we were in the area.