A Cold Day
Kerney-cation reserved an igloo at Merwin’s Wharf in Downtown Cleveland last week. Not knowing what the weather would be, it turned out to be a blistering cold, 13 degree day! Thankfully, the Igloos are heated at Merwin’s Wharf. The igloos are still outside, so we did have to walk to them and the seal on the igloo is not 100% once inside. We definitely recommend dressing warm and bringing a blanket during your reservation. A warm hoodie should suffice while in the igloo, but Krystal was happy she brought a blanket!
The Igloo
In order to utilize an igloo at Merwin’s Wharf, they must be reserved online. The reservation fee for one igloo for two hours is only $25. When we arrived to Merwin’s Wharf, we thought we might have to find street parking or even pay for parking. We were pleasantly surprised to see that they had their own parking lot!
Once inside the restaurant, the hostess walked us through the restaurant and out the door to our igloo. Once inside the igloo, it was very warm! We were in igloo #8 and right in the middle of the action. It was a short walk inside to the restrooms near the front door.
The Food
The igloo has a dedicated food menu that is different from the restaurant. Each menu item comes in two different sizes. The “small” size is an individual size, especially for entrees. I would avoid sharing this unless you have a smaller appetite. We didn’t order anything using the “large” option, but this would probably feed 3-4 people per each item.

For an appetizer, we chose the Pierogis. This was a great decision. The perogis are made with Ohio city pasta. This was a must do, especially during Cleveland Pierogi Week! We gave the pierogis a score of 10/10 Kerneys!

For an entree, I went with the Carnitas Tacos. These were a corn flour tortilla, but it was very similar to a flour tortilla. At two tacos per order per small order, I wouldn’t really consider this a “shareable” dish, unless you were sampling at least three entrees. These were also very good. We gave them a 7/10 Kerneys!

Krystal chose the Fish and Chips. This Filet was huge! I would definitely share this with someone unless you have a big appetite! We didn’t “love” this take on fish and chips, since it was a little more “fishy” than what we were used to! We give the Fish and Chips 3/10 Kerneys.

Last but not least, we decided to get the dessert, the S’mores board. This is similar to charcuterie board, but with S’mores fixins’ instead of meats and cheeses. At $28, we were expecting to get a little more, but it was all very good. The marshmallow skillet was very good and it was nice to have the sweet with the salty from the pretzels as well. There were a few strawberries as well. We would love to see more fruit on the tray. Overall, we would give the S’mores board an 8/10 Kerneys. For more fixins’ or a lesser price value, we would give it a 10!
Igloo Worth the Price?
The rental fee of $25 dollars was very affordable for the two hours, however expect downtown prices for the food and drink. We were happy with the food and the value, but we recommend to forgo the appetizer and dessert to help save some coin on the final bill. This is a great option to get outside in the Winter months on cold days! We are avid Zoo fans, but sometimes, it’s nice to mix things up!